How To Get 2000+ Views on the First Article of Your Blog

Now you might be thinking that I am exaggerating by saying it’s possible for “EVERYONE” to get 2000+ views on their very first articles.
Well, it’s more than possible…
If you follow these simple steps below, I can almost guarantee you that you will receive 2000 views or more on your article. No, this won’t be fake traffic and no, you don’t have to be famous. Remember that with some tips of the trade an inch can become a mile.
So I assume you are eagerly waiting for me to jump into the juicy bits of the article aren’t you? What if I said that I will only be writing this article next week and for the time being I’m going to give you simple exercises? I bet most of you will turn away because you want the real deal…right?
Well, luckily I won’t be giving you exercises, but instead a short and simple step by step system to getting your first article viewed 2000+ times.
Let’s jump right into it…
Now we all know why you are here so I am just going to get straight into it. No beating around the bush or long introductory pieces. Let’s GO.
1. Think of a valuable topic
Now that you have setup your new blog and written your introduction post titled, “Welcome to my blog — yada yada yada” — the real work begins. In order for you to gain readers and credibility you are going to have to write about things the community and people want to read.
If you are expecting thousands of visitors by posting a view photographs and rounding up the prettiest flowers, you definitely should stop reading NOW.
However, if you want to get your blog onto its feet and build a firm foundation, start correctly right from the start. In order to start right you are going to require unique and invaluable content and yes, you are going to have to write it. Unless you want to pay for it of course, but what fun would that be?
Ok, some questions to help you find a decent topic to write about.
What niche is my blog positioned in?
Is there a problem that I could help solve?
Can I write a How-To for something that just launched? (Facebook Timeline, G+ etc)
Could I write a guide on something I know very well? (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects etc)
Could I give input into a current developing situation in the community?(Positive or negative, it’s your thoughts.)
What mistakes have I made and how did I fix it?
How did I kill my procrastination habit?
These are just some simple examples of questions that you can ask yourself to help you find a relevant topic to write on. So once you have your topic, you can move to the next step.
2. Research, research…oh and research
What a stupid title for a step right?
Research! Do you agree? Research!
Fine don’t answer me…let me get back to researching my topic. As you can see I don’t want you to get distracted. Researching your topic is vitally important if you want to make sure that it’s going to bring value to your readers. You have to remember that you want a topic that hasn’t been seen all over the internet, so when researching see what others have written on the subject and try come up with a unique way of approaching it.
Let’s say you are wanting to write your article on productivity, but you come across an article like my previous one — 7 Tips for Boosting Your Productivity as an Entrepreneur. Don’t fret, if you Google “Productivity help” you will find countless articles. You just have to be unique in your approach.
Here are some tips to being unique in your approach to an already covered topic:
Be personal in your approach (How I boosted my productivity by following these 5 steps.)
Attach a celebrity to your approach (7 Things I learned from Ryan Gosling on boosting productivity.)
Start with a negative approach (5 things that won’t you help boost your productivity.)
Add a scientific approach (Boosting productivity can lead to better sleep)
Use real life scenarios in your approach (5 things my son taught me about productivity)
These are merely examples. So, whilst doing your research you just have to decide in which direction you are going to go and follow through with it. Remember to make notes and compile a little spider diagram with ideas for the article.
3. Write one hell of an article
You heard me. Write it as if it was your last day on earth. Put some quality time into it and make sure you capture the readers attention each step of the way.
Use images in your article to draw your readers in and keep them focused every step of the way. Remember that this is the start of your new blog and you want to build a firm foundation.
Go big or go home…
Whilst writing your article, make sure that you know what you are talking about(That is what the research was for.), there is nothing more annoying than someone going on about something that doesn’t make sense at all.
Try keep the length of the article between 700-1200 words. That is of course unless it is a 15-30 pointer. Then it’s understandable to make it much longer. This article you are currently reading is standing at 887 words at this very line. That was just a useless fact.
4. Publish IT
Now that you have written your masterpiece and reread it approximately a bazillion times. It’s time to publish it. Get it online, badabeem badaboom…whatever you want to call it. Just hit the “Publish” button.
Now unless you already have a pretty bulky email list or thousands of followers on Twitter, it won’t do you any justice to just leave the article lying there gathering dust.
In order for you to gain 2000+ views on this article, you are going to have to promote it…which brings me to the next step.
5. Promoting is the most important part
If you have a decent written article with quality content, you won’t have a problem garnering some attention from the public.
One of the first things you can do is submit the article to social voting sites. Visit the sites(Most of them need you to register) and submit your article onto the site via the submit buttons. I have listed some sites for you below.
There are countless other social voting sites, but you can just Google that by yourself.
Next up is sharing it via your private circles.
Private circles include your Facebook, Google+, LinkedIN and Twitter Friends. If you are part of other social networks those could suffice too. You need to get this article spread as far and wide as you can.
Don’t worry about what your friends are going to think or what others are going to say. There will always be people that criticize no matter where you are and what you do.
Next up is cold calling some bigger blogs…
Yes, you heard me. You are going to email them and ask for help.
If your article is really as great as you think it is, others will see it and promote it. Unique and high quality content will always come out on top. It doesn’t matter if the blog is 10 years old or was only started a couple of hours ago.
If you have high quality content then you are miles ahead of the others that only started with roundups and small posts.
Don’t start small, dream big or go home!
If you were to follow these simple steps that I laid out before you with every article that you publish on your site, you are definitely going to get somewhere. It takes dedication and hard work to make a success out of a blog, especially when you get stuck with the thought, “What is wrong with my blog?”
Once you break through that mental block though, you will be well on your way to building a great repository of quality information.
Good luck with building your following.