I am Going to Die and so Are You

Death is inevitable. I won’t live forever. It’s going to be up to me whether or not I leave this planet a happy or sad man.
It’s going to be up to me whether or not I lived a true life to that which I am capable of. It’s going to be up to me to nurse the friendships that I have. It’s going to be up to me whether or not I do what matters.
It’s going to be up to me…
I was lying on the couch over lunch time and read an article about a man that knew he was going to die in 7 days. How do you even ready yourself for something like that? I questioned myself whether or not I am ready for death.(Yes, I am still young, but anything can happen.) A tingling feeling spread through my body as the question in my head set the mood.
Do I daily do what really matters? Do I get up in the morning and do exactly what is expected of me?
Come to think of it; What really matters?
My passion and understanding for what I believe matters. My businesses matter. God matters. The people that work with me matter. Friends matter. So why do I get up every morning? To do what matters.
Do you?